dimanche 6 août 2017

Individuals whose stupidity has made me suffer enormously

The worst of all are Geneviève Moreau, mayor of Choranche, and Laurent Drouot, deputy-mayor : a truly diabolical pair. Their initial crime consisted of trying to persuade their electors that they know something about computing and the Internet, whereas their ignorance of those subjects has always been (and still is) infinite. And their attitude towards me has been insulting ever since our first encounter. This madness has been going on for years. Drouot (a professional fireman at Romans) even sent me an email, on February 13, in which he suggested that I was mentally unsound!

I have told Moreau and Drouot on countless occasions that they should simply disappear from our lovely village. But the idiots are still there in the mairie of Choranche. They're a permanent calamity. What can be done?

I already have at least one answer to the question I just asked. I intend to pursue them in a penal court because of the way they dealt with my son François, when they succeeded in persuading him that his father was behaving incorrectly with the municipality of Choranche. My son was innocent enough to believe this absurd tale, and to "collaborate" briefly with the diabolical couple.

Idiots of this kind do not need the kind of rapid Internet service that Emmanuel Macron would like to install as soon as possible, everythere throughout France. Unless they receive serious training in the technical aspects of using real computers (such as the iMac) rather than phone gadgets, they wouldn’t know what to do with a good Internet service. Unless this training enabled them to understand that web sites have to be built, rather than just picked up magically by manipulating services such as the Israeli WordPress tool, there would be no point in offering them rapid Internet. What we really need is some kind of structural change that would make it impossible for tiny villages in places such as Choranche and Châtelus to elect nasty idiots such as Moreau, Drouot and Antoine Molina. It’s France herself, rather than the Internet (which works wonderfully well for me), that needs to be changed drastically.

PS I have often said to myself, when trying to send an email to president Macron, that it would be terribly embarrassing if our brilliant head of state were obliged to confront those two stubborn idiots who dishonor our lovely village, who deserve to spend time in jail.

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